Karaka School | Home Learning & Wellbeing

Research identifies a range of after school activities that help develop healthy physical, social, academic and emotional wellbeing, including playing sports, reading, imaginative play, practicing musical instruments, connecting with friends, completing chores, baking and more! Some children need to recharge after a day at school whereas others are hungry for more physical or mental exercise. Speaking with your own child is vital to finding what works for them and you! The following website has a great range of resources about navigating and celebrating the trials and tribulations of childhood – Next Chapter Parenting by Brigid Carkeet.

What ‘Home Learning’ will my child receive at School?

The following link – Ministry of Education – Will my child get homework? answers some common questions about homework. Karaka School aims to provide opportunities for all learners to access support, reinforcement and extension to help them strive for hiranga / excellence throughout their learning journey outside the classroom. You are always welcome to speak with class teachers or the leadership team about this.

All Year Groups
  • Various whole school home learning is set at different times of the year. E.g. Ag Day Projects
Juniors | Year 0-2
  • A reader & phonics/alphabet activity are sent home Monday to Thursday
  • Poem books are sent home to be learned on a Friday
  • Sight word charts and/or basic facts activities may also be sent home to support class learning in an ongoing way
Middles | Year 3/4
  • Reading for 15+ minutes every night with a reader, ‘Pick Box’ book or library book
  • Mathletics tasks set for students to complete
  • Prototec Maths available to practice basic facts
  • Termly class Spelling words for reinforcement at home
Seniors | Year 5/6
  • Reading for 20+ minutes each night
  • Practice basic facts and times tables with instantly recall of answers – Prototec or timestables.co.nz help with this
  • Unfinished classwork is sent home to complete as required
  • Education Perfect – Set tasks located ‘Tasks and Assessment’ tab with due completion date, and learners can reinforce or extend by self selecting other tasks 
Intermediates| Year 7/8
  • Unfinished classwork is sent home to complete as required
  • Read for 20+ minutes each night
  • Education Perfect – Set tasks located ‘Tasks and Assessment’ tab with due completion date, and learners can reinforce or extend by self selecting other tasks
  • Practise times tables using www.timestables.co.nz
  • Knowledge and Basic Facts using the Basic Facts/Knowledge on Google Classroom
  • Work towards 20 hour target for William Pike Passion Project and Community Service
  • Complete ‘MoneyTime’ and ‘Financial Literacy’ modules

General Home Learning Resources

  • MoE Home Learning  – provides a range of general home Reading, Writing and Maths ideas and activities
  • TKI Home Learning  – provides a range of activities in ‘Reading & Writing’, ‘Mathematics’ and ‘Key Competencies’ 

Additional Learning Opportunities at Karaka School  

A Study Club is run during lunchtimes providing support with existing class work in any subject area. A teacher is on hand to offer suggestions or provide extra examples and teaching points. Learners should come with their book or piece of work to provide a starting point.

An important part of extra curricular learning is the opportunity to present learning to an audience. We support a range of competitions and opportunities for learners to showcase their talents to a variety of virtual and in person audiences. These opportunities are advertised on the ‘School Council’ notice board on the hall veranda, and in the School Newsletter. The School Council also tells learners about these opportunities during class notices.

For motivated learners with an interest in extending and applying their learning outside the classroom, we run an ‘Enrichment Club’. The aim is to provide authentic learning experiences that can be worked on at home, and shared at these weekly sessions. If your child is interested in taking part, please email Mr Dyer.  

Reinforcing Learning at Home

If you are looking for New Zealand Curriculum reinforcement or extension activities to support classroom learning, here are some resources that you could consider using or purchasing.  

Physical Workbooks

Online Platforms
(click on name to go straight to website)


ReadTheory Sunshine Online Spelling Training Spelling City
Reading and More
Username: karaka
Password: karaka2020
You can input your own word lists
(Free and Paid)
Variety of Spelling Activities
Epic Books  Pobble  Storybird Essential Spelling List 
(Free and Paid)
Reading and more
(Free on Weekdays 7am – 3pm)
Ask your teacher for a user code
(Free and Paid)
An inspiring image and related writing activities every day of the year
(Free and Paid)
Write, illustrate and publish your own stories


Times Tables  Prototec  E Ako 
Improve your speed and accuracy
Basic Facts Maths Practice
(Free to NZ students)
Maths concepts and problem solving

Science & Technology

Code Lightbot Science Kids 
A world of coding activities
A simple and fun introduction into the world of coding
Science concepts and experiments

Multiple Subject Content

Study Ladder  Khan Academy
English, Maths & Science – 4-12 years
Variety of subjects

General Knowledge / Other

Wonderopolis  Nat Geo Kids  Kiwi Kids News
A multitude of questions & wonders
Facts & info about our world and beyond
Facts & info about NZ and beyond
*Kiwi Kids Quiz every Thurs – ask your teacher

Remember that learning at home, like at school, can be challenging but should also be enjoyable with plenty of praise and encouragement given. Engaging your children in discussion about vocabulary, numbers, song lyrics, day trips, world events and more will also help them to make connections with learning concepts.

Feel free to pop into your child’s class to share learning and book work, and contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions around supporting your child at school or about how you can best support, reinforce or extend learning at home.